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Cyber Security - Future of Cyber Security in India

I think the state of cyber security in India is going to improve by a huge factor in the coming years - especially the coming decade. We are looking at a time when the government has started taking conscious and even drastic measures to ensuring the country's motion towards digitization.  This has started with the financial sector - one of the most crucial lifelines of a country. With the rise in digitization, the attacks on digital financial structures are inevitable - and an industry is steadily rising to provide the necessary services for securing these platforms. "Necessity is the mother of invention" - and this is the first time in India when we consciously need steps towards public cyber security. I believe the government is also following this line of thinking by their recent announcement of a FinCERT (Financial Computer Emergency Response Team).  Hence, I think the future of cyber security is too bright and too speculative to really predict but we c

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